Saturday, November 17, 2007

Baby burp

Burping is to bring up gas from the stomach through the mouth.
Why should we burp a baby after her feed?
Babies tend to swallow air while drinking milk. This might cause gas problem inside their tummy. Burping lets this air out. If they are not burped frequently, they might spit milk and develop some gas problems. It is also believed that pneumonia may be caused due to this.
How to burp?
Burping techniques: These are the methods to burp a baby. Find the one suitable for your baby.
1) The most common and useful method of burping is to hold the baby against your shoulder. Keep the baby’s chin to rest on your shoulder and put your hand at the back of her neck to support her is she doesn’t hold her neck well. Gently pat her back or make circles on her back. Burping sometimes may take a few minutes.
2) Make her sit on your lap. Support her with one hand and gently pat or make circles on her back with your other hand.
3) Lay her on your lap on her tummy. Keep her in an inclined position such that her head is higher than her chest. Pat her slowly.
4) Carry the baby by resting her chin on your shoulder and walk around patting gently on her back.
Keep some cloth on your shoulder as the baby may spit or tend to have a wet burp.
Breast-fed babies should be burped after 5 minutes or while changing breasts and after the feeding session. Bottle fed babies should be burped after they have 75ml of milk

• Breast-fed babies tend to take in less air compared to bottle fed. So, breast-fed babies may burp less often than bottle-fed.
• Once babies start learning taking milk, they might not burp as they do not swallow air.
• There is no need to worry if the baby spits a little. This spitting usually stops after 6 months. I think the reason for this is that they tend to sit straight after that, so the chances of milk coming back to mouth reduces.
• If the baby stops taking milk, burp her once and again she might be ready to take.


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Anonymous said...

When i feed my little sister i always make her burp and i know thats really important for babies to prevent them for suffocating. Nice post mate. Keep posting!

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