Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why does a baby cry and how to soothe ?

I always want to see my baby laughing. So does everyone. We do everything possible to make them happy. But still they sometimes cry. It creates a kind of anxiety when your baby cries. Crying is only a way of communication for the baby as it cannot express in any other way. Also in India they say “Balanam rodhanam balam” meaning crying makes babies healthy. I also have heard that scientifically crying is good for their lungs. We try to calm them at any cost. So, how do we come to know the reason behind their weeping? These are the different reasons I could sort:

1) Hungry: This is the first and foremost reason why even a hail and healthy baby cries from day one. I do not really know what makes them cry when they are hungry. Probably their stomach aches when they are hungry. This can be easily calmed by feeding them. I have also heard that crying of the baby stimulates breast feeding. But if your are going for bottle feeding, this crying will continue for sometime till you prepare the milk. So, its better to keep the feeding time in mind and make the preparations early.
2) Wet Nappy: Babies usually hate to be wet. Whenever they attend to their nature’s call they want to be cleaned as soon as possible.
3) Position problem: The position in which we might have laid down the baby might not be comfortable. Just adjust it a bit by checking if all the parts of the body are comfortable. The baby also might have turned to an uneasy position in its crib or cradle. Just check and lay the baby again.
4) Weather: If the room is too hot, turn on the fan/A/c or open the windows. The baby might feel suffogated. If the room is too cold, try to keep the baby warm by making her wear socks and mittens. My pediatrician also suggested me that the baby always tries to keep itself warm. When it feels cold, its energy is consumed in keeping itself warm. Hence the baby loses its weight. So, try to keep the baby warm.
5) Something has bitten: This is one of the toughest things to found out. If there are mosquitoes in the room take all the precautions to avoid such biting. When the baby is crying because of an insect bite, it is difficult to find out as it does not do anything to show you the place where it is hurt. So try to search everywhere around the body.
6) Scratching: Sometimes babies tend to scratch themselves with their nails and unknowingly hurt. Usually these will be visible. Cut nails regularly.
7) Doesn’t want to be laid down: Babies like someone around them. They also want someone to hold them. If they have got accustomed to people holding them, they always want someone to do so. Especially, if there was a party the day before, and all guesta were around them cheering them, they expect the same even the next day. Hold the baby and they may just stop crying immediately. But, it’s always better to lay them down and play with them.
8) Colic pain: This is one moment when the baby cries uncontrollably. You do not understand what to do. This continues for more than three hours. It usually goes away when the baby is 3 months old. The reason for colic is yet not discovered surely. Colic is something, that is not caused by us and also it does not mean that the baby is unhealthy. A mother should always hold her baby near to her heart when the baby is crying. My doctor advised me to give Colimex drops for colic pain. Also when the baby is made to lay on her stomach, the pain reduces. More tips to soothe the baby can be obtained here
9) Nappy/Diaper rash: This is a common problem faced by babies. Check for such rashes everyday while cleaning. My doctor advised me use Siloderm and xylocaine 2% jelly. They work really well. Applying these and baby powder before putting a diaper also reduces the risk of rash. Change diaper regularly. If a rash is observed, apply the prescribed ointment and leave the area free so that it heals faster.
10) Sleepy: When the baby is sleepy, it sometimes starts crying. Put her to bed.

Babies are good at catching your expressions. Always hide your anxiety. When they see you getting tensed, their agony increases. So, keep your calm and react very positively and soothe them


Anonymous said...

The very very best thing we have tried is this butt paste cream whatsit:
butt paste for nappy rash
I couldn't recommend it enough, weird so few people have heard of it!

1234567 said...

Hey, Diaper Dad, actually it's getting good coverage here in the UK now.

Unknown said...

My six month old cries all the time if I even in the room or not u can't lay her in her crib or walker she just cries help!!!!!

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